The pianist Célimène Daudet comes from two cultures, French and Haitian. She is a soloist whose playing and artistic commitment are recognized by the public and the international press. She has performed all over the world including Carnegie Hall in New York, the Konzerthaus in Vienna and the Philharmonie de Paris.
Célimène Daudet has made regular appearances in reputed French venues (Folle journée de Nantes, Festival Variations, Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo, Musicales de Cambrai, Piano en Valois, Festival de Pâques d’Aix…). She is also a regular guest on radio broadcasts (Radio Classique, France Musique, France Inter, France Culture, Fip) and television.
Her recordings, from Bach to Messiaen (at Arion and NoMadMusic music labels) are long-considered and unanimously acclaimed by the critics: A tribute to Bach, Bach’s Art of Fugue, Dans la malle du Poilu (works around the Great War), Beethoven’s Sonatas for piano and violin with Amanda Favier, Preludes by Debussy and Messiaen. Her new album “Messe Noire” has been released in March 2020 by NoMadMusic.
Her repertoire also includes the premiere of several works dedicated to her: most recently Nombres by Benoît Menut, Anima-Alias with live computer and breathing sensor by Jacopo Baboni Schilingi and she will premiere in 2021 the concerto for piano and orchestra by Christian Rivet.
She has also collaborated for several years with the choreographer Yoann Bourgeois, with whom she has performed Bach’s The Art of Fugue more than a hundred times on stage.